Please do not submit Directory Updates to the Web Update form. If you do not receive a confirmation email for your request within one hour of submission, your request was not successful. If this happens, please resubmit your request. Full Name Department Phone Email What kind of update is this? - Select - Update existing New page Page URL Deadline Please allow 5 days for Web Updates Summarize the nature of the edit Please provide a brief summary of what needs to be updated on this particular page. Please provide the new content Indicate only which section(s) needs to be changed. If it is easier to provide a Word document with necessary edits, please feel free to attach that document to your submission. Since this is a required field, please indicate that necessary updates are in the attached file. Additional Notes Use this field for any comments you may have about your web update, or to indicate when web updates should be scheduled to take place. Upload any supporting documents you may have. Upload Upload requirementsOne file only.2 MB limit.Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, txt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx, odt, ods, odp, mp3, mov, mp4, m4a, mpeg, avi, ogg, wav, weba, webm. CAPTCHA Submit
Contact the Office of Strategic Communications Director of Strategic Communications Lisa Baldi 610-396-6054